Day 3 and lots to report. My caseload has increased to 7 treatment sessions today! My first patient, the woman post stroke with right sided hemiplegia, aphasia (inability to process language, for more click, and apraxia (difficulty controlling movements) is really coming along! Today she smiled at herself in the mirror and began using her left hand to clean her face. Ahh, the simple sweet power of intrinsically motivated occupation. Later in the day she sat unsupported at the edge of the bed for 30 minutes- I was completely amazed! Then she began to attempt to tell us something, "I want to bathe in the water." She became frustrated with our inability to comprehend and then the ah-ha moment! As we attempted to transfer her to the wheelchair I noticed signs that she had a little accident. The poor woman had gone to the bathroom and then sat in it while she tried to explain to us the situation. It all came together!
More excitement happened after lunch while I was covering a patient for another therapist. This 62 year old woman who was being treated for COPD exacerbation did not look thrilled to see me. She had just cut her chin while shaving the tiny hairs on her chin and was now lying flat on her back attempting to reach the tissues by her bedside without sucess. However, through the session she began to unfold and we really connected in a very therapeutic way. You see, I am a rapport whore. I love it and will pretty much do anything to get it. And the payoff was tremendous- by the end she was sitting up in her chair and looked like a different woman. "Wow, you just got me to do a bunch of things that I thought I'd never be able to do or want to do." As Midge would say, "That's stealth OT." As it actually so happened Midge was treating the patient in the next bed. After I left, my patient pulled Midge aside and mentioned how she'd been listening to Midge as she worked with her neighbor (see Midge is fun to listen to with her British accent). Then she said, "You know, it's funny, if that girl (me) had a British accent, I think you'd sound exactly the same. Your treatment styles are so similar." HA!
Lastly I finished up my eval with a 72 year old man, recently diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome with pancytopenia. Hmm, don't worry- i had to look this one up too! It's a blood disorder in which there is a dysfunction in the production of blood cells, thus a shortage of red & white cells and platlets. It is treatable with drugs and transfusions, but can lead to leukemia. Hopefully all will go well for Mr. W, in the meantime I hope to establish some rapport.
i love you and all your rapport whoring ways. i think i shall adopt that term. good luck this week!
i love you and all your rapport whoring ways. keep up the good work. i think i shall adopt that term. xo
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