Thursday, February 21, 2008

in the weeds

On busy days, I feel like I'm back in the restuarant business, waiting tables. Same paranoid thoughts, slightly different objects. Here's what I mean...
"Did I get table 12 their ketchup? Oh shoot I forgot the napkins."
"Did I get room 202 their commode? Oh shoot I forgot the oxygen tank."


Anonymous said...

ha ha! i can totally see that!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I found your blog again. This is so far from my world, but any good human can appreciate what you are about, Amanda. I look forward to checking out future posts, getting to know your patients by name and your daily routine for what it is.
What drives you is so interesting.
I want to read more success stories! Loved the moment the woman smiled at herself in the mirror!
Love it.

Note to readers...

All names and identifiers on this website have been changed to protect confidentiality. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is strictly coincidental.